Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc. 2021 Feb 2;59(1):7-16. doi: 10.24875/RMIMSS.M21000047.
Introduction: Food choices and nutritional requirements of women, which vary throughout their life cycle, are unknown for Argentinian women. Objective: To identify Argentinian women’s dietary patterns and their relation to socioeconomic and health characteristics, during puerperium. Method: The food intake of 249 puerperal women was assessed for a cross-sectional study. Dietary patterns were determined by factor analysis, whose adherence was associated with different variables through Spearman’s correlation and multivariate analyses. Results: Three patterns were revealed: macronutritional (MP), phytochemical (PP) and energetic (EP). Physical activity and family history of cardiometabolic diseases were positively associated to MP adherence (odds ratio [OR] = 2.69 and 2.68, respectively). Women without formal employment adhered less to PP (OR = 0.49). Low educational level increased adherence to EP (OR = 2.20). Body mass index correlated inversely to PP (rho = -0.16). Correspondence analysis revealed that high adherence to MP and PP were associated with formal employment, high educational level, adequate physical activity, normal body mass index and a diverse diet. Conclusion: Food choices were conditioned by family disease, physical activity, employment, and educational level. We identified three dietary patterns in postpartum women, which constitute an original contribution to future nutritional approaches.
PMID:33667039 | DOI:10.24875/RMIMSS.M21000047