Nevin Manimala Statistics

User satisfaction with telephonic consultations carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rev Esp Salud Publica. 2021 Apr 16;95:e202104054.


OBJECTIVE: To face the COVID-19 pandemic, our intensive care and hospitalization units were expanded, surgical activity was limited to urgent and non-delayed procedures and teleconsultations were increased in order to minimize face-to-face consultations. The objective of this work was to learn users’ satisfaction with teleconsultations performed during the pandemic as well as its benefits, applications and areas for improvement.

METHODS: Cross-sectional study through a questionnaire with 26 closed questions and 5 open ones, grouped in 9 dimensions: patient characteristics; the query; treatment; utility; resolution; security; satisfaction; face-to-face modality and opportunities for improvement. Necessary sample size: 307 (confidence: 95%; error: 3%; expected satisfaction: 92%). Definitive sample: 352. Stratified random sampling by specialty. Period: March 16th-May 25th 2020. The statistical analysis was done with the statistical program SPSS vs.27.0. 95% confidence intervals were calculated.Statistical significance was established at p<0.05.

RESULTS: Patient profile: age 54 (SD: 18.6) years; 213 (60.5%) women. Calls made by doctors (298; 84.7%) and nurses (15; 4.3%); 342 (97.2%) attended at home. Reasons: follow-up (223; 63.4%); first consultation (45; 12.8%); result’s report (23; 6.5%) and manage an appointment (50; 14.2%). 29 (8.62%) were directed to another center. 335 (95.44%; 95% CI: 93.26%-97.62%) patients were satisfied and 309 (91.96%; 95% CI: 89.06%-94.87%) would recommend them. 351 (99.72%; 95% CI: 99.16%-99.99%) felt they were treated with kindness; 336 (95.96%; 95% CI: 93.81%-98.11%) considered sufficient care; 309 (95.96%; 95% CI: 93.81%-98.11%) were able to solve doubts; 311 (96.58%; 95% CI: 94.60%-98.57%) calmed down; for 245 (69.6%; 95% CI: 65.98%-74.67%) it was as useful as the face-to-face session; equally safe (240; 69.57%; 95% CI: 64.71%-74.42%) and beneficial (338; 96.02%; 95% CI: 94.25%-98.26%).

CONCLUSIONS: The high satisfaction expressed by users, the benefits verified and the high resolution of the teleconsultations, makes us consider expanding these services after the pandemic.


By Nevin Manimala

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