Nevin Manimala Statistics

Analysis of Diagnostic Images of Artworks and Feature Extraction: Design of a Methodology

J Imaging. 2021 Mar 12;7(3):53. doi: 10.3390/jimaging7030053.


Digital images represent the primary tool for diagnostics and documentation of the state of preservation of artifacts. Today the interpretive filters that allow one to characterize information and communicate it are extremely subjective. Our research goal is to study a quantitative analysis methodology to facilitate and semi-automate the recognition and polygonization of areas corresponding to the characteristics searched. To this end, several algorithms have been tested that allow for separating the characteristics and creating binary masks to be statistically analyzed and polygonized. Since our methodology aims to offer a conservator-restorer model to obtain useful graphic documentation in a short time that is usable for design and statistical purposes, this process has been implemented in a single Geographic Information Systems (GIS) application.

PMID:34460709 | DOI:10.3390/jimaging7030053

By Nevin Manimala

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