Nevin Manimala Statistics

Feasibility of parents promoting fruit-infused water to reduce preschool children’s sugar-sweetened beverage consumption

Nutr Health. 2022 Mar 15:2601060221086113. doi: 10.1177/02601060221086113. Online ahead of print.


Background: Increasing water and decreasing sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption in preschoolers provide a strategy to reduce lifelong obesity risks. Aim: To determine feasibility/acceptability and examine preliminary findings of an innovative intervention for preschooler parents to promote fruit-infused water (FIW) to decrease SSB intake. Methods: Fourteen parents of preschoolers completed a pre-intervention survey, attended a presentation with a FIW demonstration/taste-testing, received pitchers/strainers, cutting boards, and FIW recipes/instructions, and received 8 supportive text messages over one month. Feasibility/acceptability was determined from analyzing parents’ responses about participating. Descriptive statistics were conducted to analyze pre-/post-intervention survey data. Results: Three themes emerged: “Healthy Option Alternative”; “Feasible to Make FIW at Home”; and “Benefits for Parents”. Preliminary findings from ten parents completing both pre-/post-intervention surveys indicated a decrease in preschoolers’ total SSB amount/kcal intake, and an increase in parent self-efficacy and FIW knowledge/consumption. Conclusion: Preliminary findings provide valuable feasibility/acceptability information to guide a larger future study.

PMID:35289221 | DOI:10.1177/02601060221086113

By Nevin Manimala

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