Nevin Manimala Statistics

Basic Statistics for Surgeons

J Hand Surg Asian Pac Vol. 2022 Jun;27(3):421-429. doi: 10.1142/S2424835522300043.


Interpreting research is an important skill to ensure one can maintain their practise with current evidence. The technicalities of statistics can be daunting and thus, this article aims to provide a clear overview of key statistical tests that a surgeon will encounter. It highlights the various study designs, summary statistics and comparative tests that are used in clinical research. Furthermore, it provides a guide to determine which statistical method is most appropriate for various study designs. Overall, it aims to act as an introductory text to supplement further reading into the more advanced statistical methodologies. Level of Evidence: Level V.

PMID:35808879 | DOI:10.1142/S2424835522300043

By Nevin Manimala

Portfolio Website for Nevin Manimala