Nevin Manimala Statistics

Neoforehead Remodelling Techniques for Fronto-Orbital Advancement and Remodelling in the Oxford Craniofacial Unit: Lateral Remodelling and a Novel Central Self-Stabilizing S-Osteotomy Technique

J Craniofac Surg. 2022 Jul 28. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000008859. Online ahead of print.


Fronto-orbital advancement and remodelling (FOAR) has undergone many modifications over the years, aimed at improving outcomes and reducing risks for patients. This work describes 2 techniques for remodelling the neoforehead used by the Oxford Craniofacial Unit since 1995: lateral remodelling and a central S-Osteotomy. Both methods adopt bone from the vertex as a neoforehead, but they differ in their techniques to adapt its shape to that of the newly remodelled orbital bandeau. The novel S-Osteotomy technique can be successfully applied to all FOAR procedures, irrespective of underlying synostosis and calvarial symmetry. It was originally developed for when 2 separate bony panels were required to create a neoforehead in asymmetrical cases, but was adopted for single panel neoforehead designs in metopic synostosis with the idea it may reduce temporal hollowing. An investigation of temporal hollowing in these patients who underwent either of the described methods was undertaken to assess this hypothesis with no statistically significant difference seen (P=0.1111). Both techniques on average resulted in minimal hollowing that was not felt to require any revision, supporting the belief that temporal hollowing is a multifactorial issue. This work describes 2 successful methods of neoforehead remodelling and introduces the S-Osteotomy technique that can be applied in all FOAR procedures.

PMID:35905378 | DOI:10.1097/SCS.0000000000008859

By Nevin Manimala

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