Nevin Manimala Statistics

Clinical Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of Radio-Frequency Assisted Lipolysis (RFAL) on Breast Envelope and Nipple-Areolar Complex (NAC) Position

Plast Reconstr Surg. 2022 Sep 15. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000009729. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Breast ptosis as a result of pregnancy and/or breastfeeding, age, genetics and weight loss is a common complaint amongst women visiting a plastic surgeon. This study sought to evaluate the utility, efficacy and safety of radiofrequency assisted lipolysis on the breast and nipple-areola complex position in women with breast ptosis.

METHODS: This was a single center (Maxwell Aesthetics) study of female desiring tightening of the breast envelope and elevation of the nipple areolar complex (NAC). Each patient underwent 1 treatment with RFAL in the operating room. RFAL was applied to each breast with a BodyTite Pro handpiece. Patients were evaluated preoperatively and postoperatively at: 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months via manual and 3D computer generated measurements (Vectra).

RESULTS: 10 female patients were enrolled. Ages ranged from 23-54. Follow up was 12 months. Data was captured for seven measurements from the nipple longitudinally at five time points. The sternal notch to the nipples (SN-N) distance, nipple to inframammary fold (N-IMF) and nipple to nipple (N-N), improved statistically at 6- week follow-up ,which persisted through the 12-month follow-up (p<0.05). Patient questionnaires revealed moderate to excellent satisfaction.

CONCLUSIONS: Radiofrequency assisted Lipolysis with a bipolar device to deliver RF energy to the breast is an effective modality to moderately improve breast ptosis. This study demonstrates that this treatment improves breast measurements across time, regardless of measurement type (manual versus Vectra). This modality affords a minimally-invasive, effective method to improve mild to moderate breast ptosis with minimal scarring and high patient satisfaction.

PMID:36103661 | DOI:10.1097/PRS.0000000000009729

By Nevin Manimala

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