Nevin Manimala Statistics

Statistical analysis of hard X-ray radiation at the PAL-XFEL facility performed by Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometry

J Synchrotron Radiat. 2022 Nov 1;29(Pt 6):1465-1479. doi: 10.1107/S1600577522008773. Epub 2022 Oct 7.


A Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometry experiment based on second-order correlations was performed at the PAL-XFEL facility. The statistical properties of the X-ray radiation were studied within this experiment. Measurements were performed at the NCI beamline at 10 keV photon energy under various operation conditions: self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE), SASE with a monochromator, and self-seeding regimes at 120 pC, 180 pC and 200 pC electron bunch charge. Statistical analysis showed short average pulse duration from 6 fs to 9 fs depending on the operational conditions. A high spatial degree of coherence of about 70-80% was determined in the spatial domain for the SASE beams with the monochromator and self-seeding regime of operation. The obtained values describe the statistical properties of the beams generated at the PAL-XFEL facility.

PMID:36345755 | DOI:10.1107/S1600577522008773

By Nevin Manimala

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