Nevin Manimala Statistics

Short- and mid-term changes in CORVIS ST parameters in successful, adult orthokeratology patients

Clin Exp Optom. 2022 Nov 14:1-8. doi: 10.1080/08164622.2022.2140031. Online ahead of print.


CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The changes in various biomechanical and tomographic characteristics of the cornea associated with orthokeratology may allow us to identify potential mid- and long-term structural alterations, resulting in a better understanding of the governing mechanisms of this procedure and in its optimisation.

BACKGROUND: The study aimed at describing short and mid-term changes in CORVIS ST® parameters and indices in orthokeratology (ortho-k), and their diurnal variations.

METHODS: A prospective observational study was designed in which several CORVIS ST® parameters of 75 new adult participants successfully fitted with overnight ortho-k Seefree® (Conóptica – Hecht Contactlinsen) contact lenses were explored. Measurements were conducted in baseline (BL) conditions and in the morning and evening at the one-night (1 NM/1NT), one-week (1WM/1 WT) and 3-month (3 MM/3MT) follow-up visits.

RESULTS: Statistically significant differences were found in DARatio_2 mm, IntRad, ARTh, CBI and TBI following overnight ortho-k, when compared with BL values, with most values reaching stability at 1WM or reverting to BL values at 3 MM. The ARTh and CBI parameters showed some of the most significant temporal variations (both p < 0.001), probably reflecting the encountered differences in central corneal thickness between BL and 1WM (p = 0.010) and between BL and 3 MM (p = 0.016). In general, corneal rigidity was higher in the morning at all follow-up visits, and decreased during the day. No statistically significant changes in adjusted intraocular pressure values were found.

CONCLUSION: Ortho-k in adults may be considered a safe procedure in terms of short and mid-term changes in CORVIS ST® parameters. The observed alterations in most of the parameters provided by the Corvis ST® probably responded to the well-described changes in corneal pachymetry and tomography, rather than to actual alterations in corneal rigidity.

PMID:36375143 | DOI:10.1080/08164622.2022.2140031

By Nevin Manimala

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