Nevin Manimala Statistics

How does indirect air-cooling influence pulp chamber temperature in different volume teeth and absence/presence of resin-based composite during light curing?

BMC Oral Health. 2022 Nov 24;22(1):538. doi: 10.1186/s12903-022-02545-z.


BACKGROUND: Light-curing of materials during restorative dental procedures poses a risk for pulp tissue overheating. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of indirect air-cooling on pulp chamber temperatures during light-curing of varying volume teeth and absence/presence of resin-based composite (RBC) at different exposure time.

METHODS: The volume of 11 human teeth was measured by micro computed tomograph. An experimental rig controlled the thermal environment of the teeth and a thermocouple inserted retrograde into the root canal measured temperature changes. Pulp chamber temperature was measured with and without air-cooling on teeth without and with RBC at 15 s, 30 s and 60 s intervals. Generalized estimating equations were used for statistical analysis.

RESULTS: The temperature increase with air-cooling (versus no air-cooling) was lower in teeth despite absence/presence of RBC (β = – 4.26, 95%CI – 5.33 and β = – 4.47, 95%CI – 5.60, respectively). With air-cooling, the temperature increase in teeth with RBC was lower compared to teeth without RBC (β = – 0.42, 95%CI -0.79; – 0.05). Higher teeth volume resulted in lower temperature increase with air-cooling than without air-cooling (β = – 0.04, 95%CI -0.07; – 0.01 and β = – 0.17, 95%CI -0.30; – 0.05, respectively).

CONCLUSIONS: Air-cooling resulted in lower pulp chamber temperature increase. Using air-cooling, the temperature increase was lower in teeth with RBC compared to teeth without RBC. Lower volume teeth resulted in higher temperature increase, thus they seemed to benefit more from air-cooling compared to higher volume teeth. Air-cooling could be an effective tool in controlling pulp temperature increase during light-curing, especially when the tooth volume is small.

PMID:36424576 | DOI:10.1186/s12903-022-02545-z

By Nevin Manimala

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