Nevin Manimala Statistics

Diagnostic Accuracy of Microdialysis in Postoperative Flap Monitoring

J Craniofac Surg. 2023 Jan-Feb 01;34(1):288-290. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000008878. Epub 2022 Aug 17.


Postoperative monitoring plays an important role in achieving success in microvascular free tissue transfer. A systematic review was designed to evaluate the clinical outcomes of microdialysis in flap monitoring and a meta-analysis was conducted for diagnostic accuracies. The search terms “microdialysis” and “flap” were used in a PubMed and Scopus search, resulting in 60 and 78 results, respectively. Among 78 titles, 15 articles were excluded. Among 63 abstracts, 43 abstracts were excluded. From 20 full texts, 7 articles were excluded because they did not have sufficient content (ie, the statistical values in question). A systematic review was conducted of the final 13 articles. The overall sensitivity was 97.24% [95% confidence interval (CI)=93.67%-99.10%]. Eleven of the 13 studies showed 100% sensitivity and 2 studies had 2 and 3 false negative results, resulting in sensitivity values of 85.8% and 95.3%. Specificity ranged from 91.89% to 100%, and the overall value was 98.15% (95% CI=96.80%-99.04%). The positive predictive value ranged from 84.62% to 100%, with an overall value of 93.62% (95% CI=89.33%-96.26%). The negative predictive value ranged from 94.44% to 100%, with an overall value of 99.22% (95% CI=98.17%-99.67%). The overall flap success rate (survival rate) was 93.7% (786/839). The lowest flap survival rate was 86.7% and the highest was 100%. Microdialysis provides excellent diagnostic accuracy and enables the early detection of ischemia in postoperative flap monitoring. Although microdialysis is not the most popular choice among surgeons, it should be considered adjacent to conventional clinical monitoring. Cost-effectiveness, availability, and ease of application remain hurdles.

PMID:36608107 | DOI:10.1097/SCS.0000000000008878

By Nevin Manimala

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