Nevin Manimala Statistics

Information Technology for a Proctor to Detect Violations during the Exam

Cybern Syst Anal. 2022;58(6):983-990. doi: 10.1007/s10559-023-00533-x. Epub 2023 Jan 7.


This article discusses the current problem of cheating students of higher educational institutions during the exam. The subject area is investigated, and the results of theoretical and empirical research on cheating as one of the forms of academic fraud are presented. Statistical data of violations during the exam are shown, and the main patterns of violations during distance learning are revealed. The results of the study will help to determine during what period of the final certification students violate the rules of academic honesty more often.

PMID:36644756 | PMC:PMC9825068 | DOI:10.1007/s10559-023-00533-x

By Nevin Manimala

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