Nevin Manimala Statistics

Predoctoral Student Performance in a Restorative Dentistry Course During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Int J Prosthodont. 2022 Nov-Dec;35(6):718-723. doi: 10.11607/ijp.8053.


PURPOSE: To compare predoctoral student performance in restorative dentistry related to curricular changes implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to evaluate the impact of remote education on performance in didactic and preclinical examinations and objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs).

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study population consisted of 172 students, all members of the DMD graduating classes from 2017 to 2021. Scores in the Final Restorative Treatment (FRTx) course, subdivided into didactic and preclinical lab work, and the OSCEs were assessed and compared between pre-pandemic students and during-pandemic students.

RESULTS: Performance in the preclinical lab exercises was statistically significantly higher in the during-pandemic cohort than in the pre-pandemic cohort after adjusting for students’ gender and admission scores. Performance in restorative dentistry as measured by the OSCE was not statistically different among during-pandemic students compared to the pre-pandemic students. It was observed that students were more efficient and engaged during the more limited lab sessions with the increased student-to-faculty ratio that allowed for more feedback.

CONCLUSION: Although virtual education cannot replace in-person experiences, this model served students satisfactorily during the COVID-19 pandemic, with added support structures such as flexible scheduling, interactive sessions, and additional small-group discussions to maintain academic performance in predoctoral education.

PMID:36645861 | DOI:10.11607/ijp.8053

By Nevin Manimala

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