Rev Esc Enferm USP. 2023 Aug 28;57:e20230047. doi: 10.1590/1980-220X-REEUSP-2023-0047en. eCollection 2023.
OBJECTIVE: To compare nursing staff workload and dimensioning measured by two patient classification systems.
METHOD: Cross-sectional study, developed in a clinical inpatient unit of a large hospital in southern Brazil, between June and August 2022. Included patients (n = 260) were assessed through two different patient classification systems. The dimensioning calculation provided by the standard and descriptive statistics were applied.
RESULTS: Of the total number of patients, 1,248 classifications were performed with each of the classification systems. One of the instruments showed a concentration of demand for minimal care (54.5%) and the other for intermediate care (63.4%). The anticipation of required nursing hours was discrepant (235.58 and 298.16 hours), as well as the projected nursing staff, which was of 53 and 67 workers, respectively.
CONCLUSION: Measurement of workload and dimensioning were different when using two patient classification systems in the same sample. Additional accuracy studies shall be carried out.
PMID:37703470 | DOI:10.1590/1980-220X-REEUSP-2023-0047en