Nevin Manimala Statistics

Effect of Blackberry Juice Consumption by Pregnant Rats on Brain Length and Cell Density of Dentate Gyrus in Male Wistar Pups

J Med Food. 2023 Oct 4. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2023.0056. Online ahead of print.


The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of blackberry juice consumption during pregnancy on the length of the brain, as well as on the cell density of the dentate gyrus in Wistar rat pups. Pregnant rats were divided into three groups: control (C), fed with standard diet and water ad libitum; BJ1, which received blackberry juice containing polyphenols (7.8 mg/kg) and anthocyanins (1.9 mg/kg); and BJ2, receiving blackberry juice containing polyphenols (9.3 mg/kg) and anthocyanins (3.54 mg/kg). On postnatal day 0, pups per litter, body weight, and length were measured, and cells in the dentate gyrus of male pups were quantified. Maternal body weight and pups per litter were statistically equal across experimental groups during pregnancy. Pups in BJ1 and BJ2 groups showed an increase in body weight (20%) and length (5%) when comparing to controls. An increase in brain length was observed in BJ2 group (8%) as compared to the control. A significant increase in the number of cells/mm2 was observed in the dentate gyrus of the offspring in BJ1 (21.8%) and BJ2 (23.7%) groups when compared to the control group. Given the above, blackberry juice may be considered a potential functional food during pregnancy, while further research on prenatal and postnatal development must be done.

PMID:37792428 | DOI:10.1089/jmf.2023.0056

By Nevin Manimala

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