Nevin Manimala Statistics

Half logistic-truncated exponential distribution: Characteristics and applications

PLoS One. 2023 Nov 14;18(11):e0285992. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285992. eCollection 2023.


Gul and Mohsin 2021 developed a new modified form of renowned “Half logistic” distribution introduced by Balakrishnan (1991) and named it half logistic-truncated exponential distribution (HL-TEXPD). Some mathematical characteristics are studied, including hazard function, Pth percentile, moment generating function and Shannon entropy. Simulation study is performed to examine the behaviour of parameter estimates. The proposed model is fitted on three real data sets to check its efficacy. Additionally, TTT (total time on test) plot is drawn to study the failure rate of the three data sets. The results verdict that HL-TEXPD can be efficiently utilized in the field of engineering and medical sciences based on the data sets under study contrary to the classical and baseline models.

PMID:37963157 | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0285992

By Nevin Manimala

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