Metabolomics. 2023 Nov 28;20(1):1. doi: 10.1007/s11306-023-02066-y.
AIMS: To identify metabolite and lipid biomarkers of diabetes in the Indian subpopulation in newly diagnosed diabetic and long-term diabetic individuals. To utilize the global polar metabolomic and lipidomic profiles to predict the susceptibility of an individual to diabetes using machine learning algorithms.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: 87 individuals, including healthy, newly diabetic, and long-term diabetics on medication, were included in the study. Post consent, their serum was used to isolate polar metabolome and lipidome. NMR and LCMS were used to identify the polar metabolites and lipids, respectively. Statistical analysis was done to determine significantly altered molecules. NMR and LCMS comprehensive data were utilized to generate diabetic models using machine learning algorithms. 10 more individuals (pre-diabetic) were recruited, and their polar metabolomic and lipidomic profiles were generated. Pre-diabetic metabolic profiles were then utilized to predict the diabetic status of the metabolome and lipidome beyond glucose levels.
RESULTS: Mannose, Betaine, Xanthine, Triglyceride (38:1), Sphingomyelin (d63:7), and Phosphatidic acid (37:2) are some of the top key biomarkers of diabetes. The predictive model generated showed the receiver operating characteristic area under the curve (ROC-AUC) as 1 on both test and validation data indicating excellent accuracy. This model then predicted the diabetic closeness of the metabolism of pre-diabetic individuals based on probability scores.
CONCLUSION: Polar metabolic and lipid profile of diabetic individuals is very different from that of healthy individuals. Lipid profile alters before the polar metabolic profile in diabetes-susceptible individuals. Without regard to glucose, the diabetic closeness of the metabolism of any individual can be determined.
PMID:38017183 | DOI:10.1007/s11306-023-02066-y