Nevin Manimala Statistics

General dental practitioners’ fees for root canal treatment, coronal restoration and follow-on treatment in the adult population in Sweden: A 10-year follow-up of data from the Swedish Dental Register

Clin Exp Dent Res. 2023 Dec 7:e826. doi: 10.1002/cre2.826. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVES: To analyze the accumulated fees connected with root filling, permanent coronal restoration and follow-on treatment charged by Swedish dentists over a 10-11-year follow-up period. Furthermore, analyzing these fees with reference to the type of restoration, tooth group, and the root-filled teeth which survived compared to those requiring extraction.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: In 2009, the data register of the Swedish Social Insurance Agency recorded a total of 215,611 teeth as root-filled. The accumulated fees for each tooth encompassed the following interventions: initial root filling, coronal restorations, and follow-up treatments during the designated period. The outcomes were analyzed using descriptive and analytic statistics, including t tests and one-way analysis of variance. The fees are presented in Euros (€1 = SEK 8.94).

RESULTS: The total accumulated fees for root fillings amounted to 72 million Euros: the mean fee per root filled tooth was €333.6. The total mean fee over a 10-11-year period, comprising root canal treatment, coronal restorations, and any follow-up treatments, was €923.4. Root-filled teeth with indirect restorations presented a higher mean fee (€1 279.3) compared to those with direct restorations (€829.4) or those without specified restorations (€832.7; p < .001). Moreover, molars presented a significantly higher mean fee (€966.4) compared to premolars (€882.8) and anterior teeth (€891.3; p < .001). Lastly, the mean fee for extracted teeth was €1225.3, which was higher compared to those who survived the follow-up period (€848.0; p < .001).

CONCLUSIONS: Fees charged by general dental practitioners for root-filled teeth accumulate over time, probably due to the need for further treatment of the tooth. The total mean fee was significantly higher for molars and root-filled teeth with indirect restorations. However, an analysis of the total costs would require prospective clinical cost-effectiveness studies.

PMID:38062924 | DOI:10.1002/cre2.826

By Nevin Manimala

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