Nevin Manimala Statistics

Metals in species of the Cambeva (Teleostei: Trichomycteridae) genus of the Iguaçu River basin (Brazil)

Environ Monit Assess. 2023 Dec 20;196(1):68. doi: 10.1007/s10661-023-12195-5.


The population growth is connected to the demand for resources and waste disposal in water. Metals are among several pollutants affecting aquatic ecosystems, posing risks to biota when in high concentrations. Metals can present a great danger to the aquatic ecosystem because they are not degradable and can bioaccumulate. Many rivers are already considered highly polluted. Among them is the Iguaçu River, located in southern Brazil, which is recognized for the Iguaçu Falls and its rate of endemism. One species of the Cambeva genus is among the endemic species found in the Iguaçu River and is threatened with extinction due to anthropization. Thus, we aimed to evaluate and compare the concentrations of copper, zinc, iron, lead, manganese, and cadmium in Cambeva stawiarski and Cambeva sp. 1 in four different streams of the Iguaçu River (Brazil). We collected 20 fish in two municipalities along the Iguaçu River tributaries. The results showed a statistical difference in the metal concentrations in different species and locations, mainly manganese, iron, and copper, observed in both species and municipalities and cadmium, which showed a statistical difference only for C. sp1. Fish from agricultural regions generally had the highest concentrations of metals, some above the permitted limits. Cadmium was found at high concentrations, generating great ecological concern since it is one of the most toxic metals, even in small quantities. The lack of limits in Brazilian legislation makes it challenging to predict the long-term effects of iron.

PMID:38117368 | DOI:10.1007/s10661-023-12195-5

By Nevin Manimala

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