Nevin Manimala Statistics

UK PID Patients: Overview of perception on IgRT and infections using short survey

Pharmazie. 2023 Dec 4;78(11):231-237. doi: 10.1691/ph.2023.3601.


Immunoglobulin replacement therapy (IgRT) has advanced over the years and is used to treat many patients with primary immunodeficiencies reducing the number of infections and the burden of disease. We investigated the perception of IgRT in two patient groups (UKPIPS and PID UK) and their condition through a short survey. The survey was a multiple-choice short survey consisting of 20 questions completed either online or on paper. Data analysis was performed using SAS analysis software using regression analysis, correlation analysis and t-tests. Statistical significance was considered with p<0.05. 278 surveys were analysed which showed that the majority of participants were satisfied with the immunoglobulin therapy they received (n=225, 80.9%). However, there was a small but significant number of participants (n=19, 6.9%) that still experienced severe and very severe infections despite adequate IgRT. 236 (84.9%) participants reported limitations in daily life due to infections. The dissatisfied participants (n=55, 18.3%) had more non-routine visits to healthcare providers, higher numbers of antibiotic treatments and more days absent from school, work, university or equivalent than the satisfied participants.

PMID:38178285 | DOI:10.1691/ph.2023.3601

By Nevin Manimala

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