Nevin Manimala Statistics

Upper airway dimensions and craniofacial morphology: A correlation study using cone beam computed tomography

Korean J Orthod. 2024 Aug 12. doi: 10.4041/kjod23.206. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVE: To determine the correlation between dentoskeletal parameters related to craniofacial morphology and the upper airway (UA) volume.

METHODS: Cone-beam computed tomography images of 106 randomly selected orthodontic patients were analyzed using NemoFab Ortho software. The dentoskeletal variables assessed were anterior facial height (AFH), posterior facial height (PFH), PFH/AFH ratio, hyoid position, maxillary width (MW), and palatal depth. The UA volume (evaluation in anatomical regions and as a whole) was also assessed using the same software. We also evaluated potential differences in UA variables between age and sex groups. The correlation between the dentoskeletal parameters and UA volume was calculated using the Pearson correlation coefficient (R). Analysis of variance and Student’s t test were performed to assess differences between age and sex for UA variables. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software (version 26 for Windows).

RESULTS: This study found that PFH, AFH, and MW were the dentoskeletal parameters most strongly correlated with UA volume. However, the ANB angle did not show any significant correlation with UA volume. Additionally, differences in UA volumes were observed between age groups. Sex differences were found in both the “8-12” and “≥ 16” age groups for oropharyngeal and pharyngeal volumes.

CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, our findings indicate a significant correlation between UA volume and dentoskeletal parameters, particularly those related to facial height and MW.

PMID:39128860 | DOI:10.4041/kjod23.206

By Nevin Manimala

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