Heliyon. 2025 Jan 18;11(2):e41826. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2025.e41826. eCollection 2025 Jan 30.
This research explores the practices and abilities of the people of Salatiga City in accepting the existence of “The Others” or other groups in the context of religious tolerance. Salatiga is known as one of the most tolerant cities in Indonesia, demonstrating success in managing social harmony and inclusion. This research utilizes a two-stage Action Research Cycle (ARC). The research revealed that Salatiga City Government has implemented various policies and strategies to promote acceptance of diversity, such as anti-discrimination regulations, integration of tolerance issues in development plans, and cultural, educational, and policy approaches. The findings show that these strategies have been largely effective in improving acceptance of Others and religious tolerance in Salatiga, which is reflected in the high scores in the Tolerant City Index. While significant progress has been made, the study also identified ongoing challenges in maintaining religious tolerance. These include addressing the remaining inequality between major and minor religions, and mitigating potential sources of conflict. These challenges highlight the need for continued efforts and refinement of existing strategies. The perceptions and experiences of the people of Salatiga tend to be positive in accepting “The Others” and building religious tolerance, supported by the active role of the government, educational institutions, religious leaders, and the community. This research emphasizes the importance of ongoing efforts to maintain and strengthen inclusivity and harmony in Salatiga City, recognizing both the successes achieved and the work that remains to be done.
PMID:39906850 | PMC:PMC11791108 | DOI:10.1016/j.heliyon.2025.e41826