EJNMMI Phys. 2025 Feb 5;12(1):13. doi: 10.1186/s40658-025-00720-z.
PURPOSE: 18F-labelled somatostatin receptor tracers have recently gained popularity due to their better spatial resolution, longer half-life and lower costs compared to 68Ga-labeled tracers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact and limitations of reduced administered activities of [18F]SiTATE on image quality, lesion detectability and quantitative PET parameters in a long axial field-of-view (LAFOV) PET/CT scanner.
METHODS: Twenty-four patients with histologically confirmed neuroendocrine tumor, who underwent clinically indicated [18F]SiTATE PET/CT examination (3.0 MBq/kg, 5 min PET scan time) on a Siemens Biograph Vision Quadra LAFOV PET/CT, were included retrospectively in this study. PET list-mode data were rebinned for shorter frame durations to simulate 5 min scans with lower activities of injected radiotracer. A comparison of image reconstruction in high sensitivity (HS) and ultra-high sensitivity mode (UHS) mode was performed. Subjective image quality, noise and lesion detectability of n = 122 lesions were rated using a 5-point Likert scale. The molecular tumor volume (MTV), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), tumor-to-liver activity concentration ratio (TLR) and standardized uptake values (SUV) were analyzed.
RESULTS: Subjective image quality decreased with simulated reduction of injected activity with generally superior ratings in the UHS mode compared to the HS mode. Despite a reduction to 1 MBq/kg of [18F]SiTATE all lesions were still detected while at 0.25 MBq/kg lesion detectability decreased to 70% (HS) and 93% (UHS). Only minor changes in SUVmean and TLR were detected with reduced activity. However, reduced activities led to an increase in SUVSD, which in turn caused a decrease in SNR (at 1 MBq/kg: 7.3 in HS and 9.0 in UHS mode and an increase in deviation of the MTV.
CONCLUSION: Reducing the administered activity of injected [18F]SiTATE by 66% to 1 MBq/kg (HS & UHS) is feasible in a LAFOV PET/CT scanner, maintaining clinically diagnostic image quality without statistically significant deviations in PET uptake parameters and MTV. Furthermore, in low activity [18F]SiTATE PET/CT, the UHS mode improves image quality and noise as well as lesion detectability compared to HS mode, further reinforcing the clinical benefits of this recently introduced reconstruction mode.
PMID:39907960 | DOI:10.1186/s40658-025-00720-z