Proc Inst Mech Eng H. 2025 Feb 4:9544119251315877. doi: 10.1177/09544119251315877. Online ahead of print.
Generative deep learning has emerged as a promising data augmentation technique in recent years. This approach becomes particularly valuable in areas such as motion analysis, where it is challenging to collect substantial amounts of data. The objective of the current study is to introduce a data augmentation strategy that relies on a variational autoencoder to generate synthetic data of kinetic and kinematic variables. The kinematic and kinetic variables consist of hip and knee joint angles and moments, respectively, in both sagittal and frontal plane, and ground reaction forces. Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) did not detect significant differences between real and synthetic data for each of the biomechanical variables considered. To further evaluate the effectiveness of this approach, a long-short term model (LSTM) was trained both only on real data (R) and on the combination of real and synthetic data (R&S); the performance of each of these two trained models was then assessed on real test data unseen during training. The principal findings included achieving comparable results in terms of nRMSE when predicting knee joint moments in the frontal (R&S: 9.86% vs R: 10.72%) and sagittal plane (R&S: 9.21% vs R: 9.75%), and hip joint moments in the frontal (R&S: 16.93% vs R: 16.79%) and sagittal plane (R&S: 13.29% vs R: 14.60%). The main novelty of this study lies in introducing an effective data augmentation approach in motion analysis settings.
PMID:39902572 | DOI:10.1177/09544119251315877