Nevin Manimala Statistics

Detection of non-cardiac fetal abnormalities by ultrasound at 11-14 weeks: systematic review and meta-analysis

Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2024 Mar 28. doi: 10.1002/uog.27649. Online ahead of print.


OBJECTIVES: To assess diagnostic accuracy of 2D ultrasound at 11-14 weeks gestation as a screening test for individual fetal anomalies and identify screening factors impacting detection.

METHODS: Systematic review and meta-analysis, developed and registered with PROSPERO (CRD42018111781). MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science Core Collection and The Cochrane Library) were searched for studies evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of screening for 16 pre-specified, non-cardiac, congenital anomalies considered to be of interest to the early anomaly scan. We included prospective and retrospective studies from any healthcare setting and low risk, mixed risk and unselected populations. The reference standard was the detection of an anomaly on postnatal or post-mortem examination. Data were extracted to populate 2 x 2 tables and meta-analysis (random-effects model) undertaken to determine the diagnostic accuracy of screening for the pre-specified anomalies (individually and as a composite). Secondary analyses were performed to determine the impact of (1) imaging protocol (2) ultrasound modality (3) publication year and (4) index of sonographer suspicion at time of scan. Post-hoc secondary analysis was conducted to assess performance for studies from 2010. Risk of bias and quality assessment was undertaken for included studies using the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS-2).

RESULTS: From 5684 citations, 202 papers were identified as eligible and reviewed, resulting in the inclusion of 526,322 fetuses (52 studies) of which 2,399 were affected by one or more of the 16 anomalies. Individual anomalies were not equally amenable to detection on first trimester ultrasound ranging from high (>80%) detection rates for severe conditions including acrania (98%), gastroschisis (96%) and exomphalos (95%) and holoprosencephaly (88%); they were lower for open spina bifida (69%), lower urinary tract obstruction (66%) lethal skeletal dysplasias (57%) and limb reduction defects (50%) and below 50% for facial clefts (43%), polydactyly (40%) and congenital diaphragmatic hernia (38). Conditions with low (<30%) detection rates included bilateral renal agenesis (25%), closed spina bifida (21%), isolated cleft lip only (14%) and talipes (11%). Specificity was >99% for all anomalies. Secondary analysis showed improvement of detection with publication year, and that the use of imaging protocols had a statistically significant impact on screening performance (p<0.0001).

CONCLUSIONS: Accurate detection of congenital anomalies using first trimester ultrasound is feasible. In this study we have determined screening characteristics for individual anomalies and have shown that detection rates and false positive rates are dependent on the type of anomaly. The use of a standardised protocol allows diagnostic performance to be maximised, and this particularly enhances screening performance for the detection of spina bifida, facial clefts and limb reduction defects. Highlighting the types of anomalies amenable to diagnosis and determining favourable screening test factors can support the development of first-trimester anomaly screening programs. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

PMID:38547384 | DOI:10.1002/uog.27649

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Application of Metabolomics Across the Spectrum of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2024 Mar 28. doi: 10.1165/rcmb.2024-0080PS. Online ahead of print.


In recent years, metabolomics, the systematic study of small molecule metabolites in biological samples, has yielded fresh insights into the molecular determinants of pulmonary diseases and critical illness. The purpose of this article is to orient the reader to this emerging field by discussing the fundamental tenets underlying metabolomics research, the tools and techniques that serve as foundational methodologies, and the various statistical approaches to analysis of metabolomics datasets. We present several examples of metabolomics applied to pulmonary and critical care medicine in order to illustrate the potential of this avenue of research to deepen our understanding of pathophysiology. We conclude by reviewing recent advances in the field and future research directions that stand to further the goal of personalizing medicine in order to improve patient care.

PMID:38547373 | DOI:10.1165/rcmb.2024-0080PS

Nevin Manimala Statistics

A pilot study to address the mental health of persons living with lymphatic filariasis in Léogâne, Haiti: Implementing a chronic disease self-management program using a stepped-wedge cluster design

Int Health. 2024 Mar 28;16(Supplement_1):i68-i77. doi: 10.1093/inthealth/ihae006.


BACKGROUND: Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) inflict significant comorbid disability on the most vulnerable communities; yet interventions targeting the mental health of affected communities are lacking. A pilot study to assess the effectiveness of a chronic disease self-management program (CDSMP) was introduced to lymphatic filariasis peer support groups in Léogâne, Haiti.

METHODS: Using a closed-cohort stepped-wedge cluster trial design, Hope Clubs were assigned into Arm 1 (n=118 members) and Arm 2 (n=92). Household surveys, measuring self-rated health, depression, disease self-efficacy, perceived social support, and quality of life, were conducted at baseline (before CDSMP); midpoint (after Arm 1/before Arm 2 completed CDSMP); and endpoint (after CDSMP). Non-Hope Club member patients (n=74) were evaluated at baseline for comparison.

RESULTS: Fifty percent of Hope Club members (Arm 1: 48.3%, Arm 2: 52.2%) screened positive for depression at baseline, compared with 36.5% of non-Hope Club members. No statistically significant differences were found in outcome measures between intervention observation periods. At endpoint, depressive illness reduced to 28.7% (Arm 1) and 27.6% (Arm 2).

CONCLUSIONS: The intervention was feasible to integrate into Hope Clubs, showed overall positive effects and reduced depressive symptoms. More studies are needed to evaluate the efficacy of implementing CDSMP in the NTD context.

CONTEXTE: Les maladies tropicales négligées (MTN) infligent d’importantes incapacités comorbides aux communautés les plus vulnérables; pourtant, les interventions ciblant la santé mentale des communautés affectées font défaut. Une étude pilote visant à évaluer l’efficacité d’un programme d’autogestion des maladies chroniques (CDSMP) a été introduite dans des groupes de soutien par les pairs pour la filariose lymphatique à Léogâne, en Haïti.

MÉTHODES: Dans le cadre d’un essai en grappe à cohorte fermée, les clubs Hope ont été répartis entre le bras 1 (n=118 membres) et le bras 2 (n=92). Des enquêtes auprès des ménages, mesurant l’auto-évaluation de la santé, la dépression, l’auto-efficacité face à la maladie, le soutien social perçu et la qualité de vie, ont été menées au départ (avant le CDSMP), à mi-parcours (après que le bras 1 / avant que le bras 2 ait terminé le CDSMP) et à la fin (après le CDSMP). Les patients non membres du Hope Club (n=74) ont été évalués au début de l’étude à des fins de comparaison.

RÉSULTATS: Cinquante pourcent des membres du Hope Club (bras 1 : 48,3%, bras 2 : 52,2%) ont été dépistés positifs pour la dépression au début de l’étude, contre 36,5% des non-membres du Hope Club. Aucune différence statistiquement significative n’a été constatée dans les mesures des résultats entre les périodes d’observation de l’intervention. À la fin de l’étude, la maladie dépressive était réduite à 28,7% (bras 1) et 27,6% (bras 2).

CONCLUSIONS: L’intervention a pu être intégrée dans les clubs Hope, elle a montré des effets globalement positifs et a permis de réduire les symptômes dépressifs. D’autres études sont nécessaires pour évaluer l’efficacité de la mise en œuvre du CDSMP dans le contexte des MTD.

ANTECEDENTES: Las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas (ETDs) infligen una importante discapacidad comórbida a las comunidades más vulnerables; sin embargo, faltan intervenciones dirigidas a la salud mental de las comunidades afectadas. Se introdujo un estudio piloto para evaluar la eficacia de un programa de autogestión de enfermedades crónicas (CDSMP, por sus siglas en inglés) en grupos de apoyo entre pares de filariasis linfática en Léogâne, Haití.

MÉTODOS: Utilizando un diseño de ensayo por conglomerados de cohortes cerradas escalonadas, los Clubes Esperanza fueron asignados al Grupo 1 (n=118 miembros) y al Grupo 2 (n=92). Se realizaron encuestas en los hogares para medir la autoevaluación de la salud, la depresión, la autoeficacia frente a la enfermedad, el apoyo social percibido y la calidad de vida en la línea de base (antes del CDSMP), en el punto medio (después de que el Grupo 1/antes de que el Grupo 2 completara el CDSMP) y en el punto final (después del CDSMP). Los pacientes que no pertenecían al Club Esperanza (n=74) fueron evaluados al inicio del estudio a modo de comparación.

RESULTADOS: El 50% de los miembros del Club Esperanza (Grupo 1: 48,3%, Grupo 2: 52,2%) dieron positivo en depresión al inicio del estudio, en comparación con el 36,5% de los no miembros del Club Esperanza. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las medidas de resultado entre los periodos de observación de la intervención. Al final, la enfermedad depresiva se redujo al 28,7% (Grupo 1) y al 27,6% (Grupo 2).

CONCLUSIONES: La intervención fue factible de integrar en los Clubes Esperanza, mostróefectos positivos generales y redujo los síntomas depresivos. Se necesitan más estudios para evaluar la eficacia de la aplicación del CDSMP en el contexto de las ETD.

PMID:38547350 | DOI:10.1093/inthealth/ihae006

Nevin Manimala Statistics

The effect of intravenous hyoscine butylbromide on slow progress in labor (BUSCLAB): A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial

PLoS Med. 2024 Mar 28;21(3):e1004352. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1004352. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Prolonged labor is a common condition associated with maternal and perinatal complications. The standard treatment with oxytocin for augmentation of labor increases the risk of adverse outcomes. Hyoscine butylbromide is a spasmolytic drug with few side effects shown to shorten labor when used in a general population of laboring women. However, research on its effect on preventing prolonged labor is lacking. We aimed to assess the effect of hyoscine butylbromide on the duration of labor in nulliparous women showing early signs of slow labor.

METHODS AND FINDINGS: In this double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial, we included 249 nulliparous women at term with 1 fetus in cephalic presentation and spontaneous start of labor, showing early signs of prolonged labor by crossing the alert line of the World Health Organization (WHO) partograph. The trial was conducted at Oslo University Hospital in Norway from May 2019 to December 2021. One hundred and twenty-five participants were randomized to receive 1 ml hyoscine butylbromide (Buscopan) (20 mg/ml), while 124 received 1 ml sodium chloride intravenously. Randomization was computer-generated, with allocation concealment by opaque sequentially numbered sealed envelopes. The primary outcome was duration of labor from administration of the investigational medicinal product (IMP) to vaginal delivery, which was analyzed by Weibull regression to estimate the cause-specific hazard ratio (HR) of vaginal delivery between the 2 treatment groups, with associated 95% confidence interval (CI). A wide range of secondary maternal and perinatal outcomes were also evaluated. Time-to-event outcomes were analyzed by Weibull regression, whereas continuous and dichotomous outcomes were analyzed by median regression and logistic regression, respectively. All main analyses were based on the modified intention-to-treat (ITT) set of eligible women with signed informed consent receiving either of the 2 treatments. The follow-up period lasted during the postpartum hospital stay. All personnel, participants, and researchers were blinded to the treatment allocation. Median (mean) labor duration from IMP administration to vaginal delivery was 401 (440.8) min in the hyoscine butylbromide group versus 432.5 (453.6) min in the placebo group. We found no statistically significant association between IMP and duration of labor from IMP administration to vaginal delivery: cause-specific HR of 1.00 (95% CI [0.77, 1.29]; p = 0.993). Among 255 randomized women having received 1 dose of IMP, 169 women (66.3%) reported a mild adverse event: 75.2% in the hyoscine butylbromide group and 57.1% in the placebo group (Pearson’s chi-square test: p = 0.002). More than half of eligible women were not included in the study because they did not wish to participate or were not included upon admission. The participants might have represented a selected group of women reducing the external validity of the study.

CONCLUSIONS: One intravenous dose of 20 mg hyoscine butylbromide was not found to be superior to placebo in preventing slow labor progress in a population of first-time mothers at risk of prolonged labor. Further research is warranted to answer whether increased and/or repeated doses of hyoscine butylbromide might have an effect on duration of labor.

TRIAL REGISTRATION: (NCT03961165) EudraCT (2018-002338-19).

PMID:38547322 | DOI:10.1371/journal.pmed.1004352

Nevin Manimala Statistics

A pilot randomised controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of the MaTerre180′ participatory tool including a serious game versus an intervention including carbon footprint awareness-raising on behaviours among academia members in France

PLoS One. 2024 Mar 28;19(3):e0301124. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0301124. eCollection 2024.


BACKGROUND: Activities embedded in academic culture (international conferences, field missions) are an important source of greenhouse gas emissions. For this reason, collective efforts are still needed to lower the carbon footprint of Academia. Serious games are often used to promote ecological transition. Nevertheless, most evaluations of their effects focus on changes in knowledge and not on behaviour. The main objectives of this study are to 1) Evaluate the feasibility of a control and an experimental behaviour change intervention and, 2) Evaluate the fidelity (the extent to which the implementation of the study corresponds to the original design) of both interventions.

METHODS: People employed by a French research organisation (N = 30) will be randomised to one of the two arms. The experimental arm consists in a 1-hour group discussion for raising awareness about climate change, carrying out a carbon footprint assessment and participating to a serious game called “Ma terre en 180 minutes.” The control arm consists of the same intervention (1h discussion + carbon footprint assessment) but without participating to the serious game. On two occasions over one month, participants will be asked to fill in online surveys about their behaviours, psychological constructs related to behaviour change, sociodemographic and institutional information. For every session of intervention, the facilitators will assess task completion, perceived complexity of the tasks and the perceived responsiveness of participants. Descriptive statistics will be done to analyse percentages and averages of the different outcomes.

DISCUSSION: Ma-terre EVAL pilot study is a 1-month and a half pilot randomised controlled trial aiming to evaluate the feasibility and the fidelity of a 24-month randomised controlled trial. This study will provide more information on the levers and obstacles to reducing the carbon footprint among Academia members, so that they can be targeted through behaviour change interventions or institutional policies.

PMID:38547300 | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0301124

Nevin Manimala Statistics

The effect of real-time EF automatic tool on cardiac ultrasound performance among medical students

PLoS One. 2024 Mar 28;19(3):e0299461. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0299461. eCollection 2024.


PURPOSE: Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) is a sensitive, safe, and efficient tool used in many clinical settings and is an essential part of medical education in the United States. Numerous studies present improved diagnostic performances and positive clinical outcomes among POCUS users. However, others stress the degree to which the modality is user-dependent, rendering high-quality POCUS training necessary in medical education. In this study, the authors aimed to investigate the potential of an artificial intelligence (AI) based quality indicator tool as a teaching device for cardiac POCUS performance.

METHODS: The authors integrated the quality indicator tool into the pre-clinical cardiac ultrasound course for 4th-year medical students and analyzed their performances. The analysis included 60 students who were assigned to one of two groups as follows: the intervention group using the AI-based quality indicator tool and the control group. Quality indicator users utilized the tool during both the course and the final test. At the end of the course, the authors tested the standard echocardiographic views, and an experienced clinician blindly graded the recorded clips. Results were analyzed and compared between the groups.

RESULTS: The results showed an advantage in quality indictor users’ median overall scores (P = 0.002) with a relative risk of 2.3 (95% CI: 1.10, 4.93, P = 0.03) for obtaining correct cardiac views. In addition, quality indicator users also had a statistically significant advantage in the overall image quality in various cardiac views.

CONCLUSIONS: The AI-based quality indicator improved cardiac ultrasound performances among medical students who were trained with it compared to the control group, even in cardiac views in which the indicator was inactive. Performance scores, as well as image quality, were better in the AI-based group. Such tools can potentially enhance ultrasound training, warranting the expansion of the application to more views and prompting further studies on long-term learning effects.

PMID:38547257 | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0299461

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Health professionals’ technology readiness on the acceptance of teleradiology in the Amhara regional state public hospitals, northwest Ethiopia: Using technology readiness acceptance model (TRAM)

PLoS One. 2024 Mar 28;19(3):e0301021. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0301021. eCollection 2024.


BACKGROUND: Considering individual differences caused by personality differences is crucial for end users’ technology acceptance. However, previous studies overlooked the influence of users’ technology readiness on technology acceptance. This study, therefore, aimed to evaluate the influence of technology readiness on teleradiology acceptance in the Amhara Regional State Public Hospitals using a technology readiness acceptance model.

METHODS: An institutional-based cross-sectional mixed study design was conducted in September 2021 among 547 health professionals working at sixteen public hospitals in the Amhara region of northwest Ethiopia. Eight key informants were interviewed to explore organizational-related factors. Face-to-face and Google Meet approaches were used to collect the data. We applied structural equation modeling to investigate the influence of technology readiness on health professionals’ teleradiology acceptance using Analysis of Moment Structures Version 23 software.

RESULTS: Of the total participants, 70.2% and 85.7% were ready and intended to use teleradiology, respectively. According to technology readiness measuring constructs, optimism and innovativeness positively influenced health professionals’ technology acceptance. Perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness showed a statistically positive significant effect on health professionals’ intention to use teleradiology. In addition, a statistically significant mediation effect was observed between technology readiness measuring constructs and behavioral intention to use. Furthermore, a shortage of budget, inadequate infrastructure, and users’ lack of adequate skills were reported as critical organizational challenges.

CONCLUSIONS: We found a higher proportion of readiness and intention to use teleradiology among health professionals. Personality difference measuring constructs and organizational factors played considerable influence on teleradiology acceptance. Therefore, before the actual implementation of teleradiology, ensuring the system’s user-friendliness, improving infrastructure, allocating an adequate budget, and availing of capacity-building opportunities are recommended.

PMID:38547241 | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0301021

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Feasibility of using low-cost markerless motion capture for assessing functional outcomes after lower extremity musculoskeletal cancer surgery

PLoS One. 2024 Mar 28;19(3):e0300351. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0300351. eCollection 2024.


BACKGROUND: Physical limitations are frequent and debilitating after sarcoma treatment. Markerless motion capture (MMC) could measure these limitations. Historically expensive cumbersome systems have posed barriers to clinical translation.

RESEARCH QUESTION: Can inexpensive MMC [using Microsoft KinectTM] assess functional outcomes after sarcoma surgery, discriminate between tumour sub-groups and agree with existing assessments?

METHODS: Walking, unilateral stance and kneeling were measured in a cross-sectional study of patients with lower extremity sarcomas using MMC and standard video. Summary measures of temporal, balance, gait and movement velocity were derived. Feasibility and early indicators of validity of MMC were explored by comparing MMC measures i) between tumour sub-groups; ii) against video and iii) with established sarcoma tools [Toronto Extremity Salvage Score (TESS)), Musculoskeletal Tumour Rating System (MSTS), Quality of life-cancer survivors (QoL-CS)]. Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS v19. Tumour sub-groups were compared using Mann-Whitney U tests, MMC was compared to existing sarcoma measures using correlations and with video using Intraclass correlation coefficient agreement.

RESULTS: Thirty-four adults of mean age 43 (minimum value-maximum value 19-89) years with musculoskeletal tumours in the femur (19), pelvis/hip (3), tibia (9), or ankle/foot (3) participated; 27 had limb sparing surgery and 7 amputation. MMC was well-tolerated and feasible to deliver. MMC discriminated between surgery groups for balance (p<0.05*), agreed with video for kneeling times [ICC = 0.742; p = 0.001*] and showed moderate relationships between MSTS and gait (p = 0.022*, r = -0.416); TESS and temporal outcomes (p = 0.016* and r = -0.0557*), movement velocity (p = 0.021*, r = -0.541); QoL-CS and balance (p = 0.027*, r = 0.441) [* = statistical significance]. As MMC uncovered important relationships between outcomes, it gave an insight into how functional impairments, balance, gait, disabilities and quality of life (QoL) are associated with each other. This gives an insight into mechanisms of poor outcomes, producing clinically useful data i.e. data which can inform clinical practice and guide the delivery of targeted rehabilitation. For example, patients presenting with poor balance in various activities can be prescribed with balance rehabilitation and those with difficulty in movements or activity transitions can be managed with exercises and training to improve the quality and efficiency of the movement.

SIGNIFICANCE: In this first study world-wide, investigating the use of MMC after sarcoma surgery, MMC was found to be acceptable and feasible to assess functional outcomes in this cancer population. MMC demonstrated early indicators of validity and also provided new knowledge that functional impairments are related to balance during unilateral stance and kneeling, gait and movement velocity during kneeling and these outcomes in turn are related to disabilities and QoL. This highlighted important relationships between different functional outcomes and QoL, providing valuable information for delivering personalised rehabilitation. After completing future validation work in a larger study, this approach can offer promise in clinical settings. Low-cost MMC shows promise in assessing patient’s impairments in the hospitals or their homes and guiding clinical management and targeted rehabilitation based on novel MMC outcomes affected, therefore providing an opportunity for delivering personalised exercise programmes and physiotherapy care delivery for this rare cancer.

PMID:38547229 | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0300351

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Factors associated with adolescent pregnancy among Chepang women and their health-seeking behavior in Ichchhakamana rural municipality of Chitwan district

PLoS One. 2024 Mar 28;19(3):e0301261. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0301261. eCollection 2024.


Adolescent pregnancy is a critical public health issue, particularly in developing regions like Nepal, where it poses significant risks to maternal and child health and perpetuates the cycle of poverty. This study focused on the marginalized Chepang community, which is endangered and faces unique challenges. The study aimed to explore the factors associated with adolescent pregnancy among Chepang women in Ichchhakamana Rural Municipality, Chitwan, Nepal, and also assessed their reproductive health-seeking behavior. A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted with 217 Chepang women aged 15-20 years, and data was collected through face-to-face interviews using a semi-structured questionnaire. The collected data was entered and analyzed using IBM SPSS version 20. Descriptive statistical tools like frequency, and percentage were used to express the results. Pearson chi-square test, Fisher exact test were used for bivariate analysis to determine the presence of association between the dependent and independent variables. Binary logistic regression was used for further analysis. The prevalence of current adolescent pregnancy was 8.3%(18), while one-fourth had experienced prior pregnancies during their adolescence. Factors significantly associated with adolescent pregnancy included lack of education among the women and their mothers, as well as living in joint families. Additionally, number of antenatal visits and consumption of iron tablets seemed to be lower among Chepang women in comparison to the national data. Chepang women had high adolescent pregnancy rates, with low education level and joint family structure being important risk factors for it. They also had inadequate reproductive health seeking behavior. Addressing these problems requires strategies that prioritize education and raise awareness about reproductive health.

PMID:38547223 | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0301261

Nevin Manimala Statistics

Clinical and laboratory characteristics of early-onset and delayed-onset lupus nephritis patients: A single-center retrospective study

Rheumatol Int. 2024 Mar 28. doi: 10.1007/s00296-024-05579-4. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: Lupus nephritis (LN) manifests systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and is characterized by various clinical and laboratory features. This study aimed to comprehensively evaluate the characteristics of LN patients according to the time of LN diagnosis: early-onset (LN diagnosed within one year from SLE diagnosis) vs. delayed-onset (LN diagnosed more than one year after SLE diagnosis).

METHODS: We conducted a retrospective analysis of medical records from all SLE patients treated at the University Hospital in Kraków, Poland, from 2012 to 2022. We collected data on demographic, clinical, and laboratory characteristics, including histological findings, treatment modalities, and disease outcomes. Statistical analyses were performed to identify factors impacting LN development and prognosis.

RESULTS: Among 331 LN patients, early-onset was diagnosed in 207 (62.54%) and delayed-onset was documented in 122 cases (36.86%). In 2 (0.6%) LN cases, the time of first kidney manifestation in the SLE course was unknown. Delayed-onset LN had a higher female-to-male ratio and younger age at SLE diagnosis. This group was associated with more severe clinical manifestations. In turn, studied subgroups did not differ in internist comorbidities, kidney histopathology, and family history regarding autoimmune diseases. Delayed-onset LN exhibited a higher frequency of anti-dsDNA, anti-Smith, anti-Ro, anti-RNP, and anti-cardiolipin IgG autoantibodies. During a 14-year follow-up period, 16 patients died. Mortality rate and causes of death were comparable in both analyzed subgroups.

CONCLUSIONS: More severe clinical manifestations in delayed-onset LN prompt strict monitoring of non-LN SLE patients to diagnose and treat kidney involvement early. Also, recognizing the higher frequency of autoantibodies such as anti-dsDNA or anti-Smith in delayed-onset LN underscores the potential value of autoantibody profiling as a diagnostic and prognostic tool.

PMID:38546745 | DOI:10.1007/s00296-024-05579-4