Nevin Manimala Statistics

The effectiveness of Cyperus rotundus essential oil in reducing the side effects of laser hair removal

J Cosmet Dermatol. 2021 Jun 16. doi: 10.1111/jocd.14301. Online ahead of print.


BACKGROUND: In many ailments, Cyperus rotundus is an effective and safe treatment option. Flavonoids in the oil have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. There have been no randomized controlled trials comparing topical C rotundus oil to the available allopathic modalities for treating post-hair removal laser side effects.

OBJECTIVES: Participants in this study were prospectively evaluated for the efficacy of C rotundus essential oil, compared with hydrocortisone and saline, in managing pain and erythema after laser hair removal.

METHODS: Eligible participants (n=153) were randomly assigned to one of three study groups: topical C rotundus oil (group 1), hydrocortisone (group 2), or saline (group 3). The following methods were used to assess the results: The Wong-Baker FACES Pain Scale is used to rate pain. Erythema was graded on a six-point scale: “no erythema,” “slight erythema,” “marked erythema,” “severe erythema without vesicles,” and “severe erythema with vesicles.”

RESULTS: In terms of anti-inflammatory effects, C rotundus oil and hydrocortisone did not differ significantly (P >.05). However, statistically significant differences in the analgesic effect (P.05) were observed, favouring the oil.

CONCLUSIONS: Cyperus rotundus essential oil is a safe and cost-effective treatment for post-laser pain and erythema.

PMID:34132024 | DOI:10.1111/jocd.14301

By Nevin Manimala

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