Rev Esp Salud Publica. 2023 Mar 1;97:e202303016.
OBJECTIVE: The feminization of migration, the need to provide health care to an increasingly diverse population, seeking optimal health data led to considering this research. The objective was to determine the characteristics (socio-demographic profile, obstetric and gynecological record, and monitoring) of migrated pregnant women with a pregnancy process completed in 2019 in Catalonia compared to native women, in public centers (ASSIR-ICS).
METHODS: This descriptive study was based on computerized clinical records of women in the 28 centers dependent on the ICS. A descriptive analysis of the variables was carried out to compare the origin of the pregnant women. The Pearson Chi-Square test at 5% and the corrected standardized residual was used to compare the groups and an analysis of variance for the comparison of means also at 5%.
RESULTS: 36.315 women were analyzed and the resulting mean age was 31.1 years. The BMI at the beginning of pregnancy was 25.4 on average. Smoking habit was 18.1% among Spanish 17.3% among European. Sexist violence was 4% in Latin American women, being statistically higher than the rest. The risk of preeclampsia was 23.4% in sub-Saharan women. Gestational diabetes was diagnosed mainly among Pakistanis (18.5%). The prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) was detected in Latin Americans (8.6%), Spanish (5.8%) and Europeans (4.5%). Sub-Saharan women performed insufficient ultrasound control (58.2%) and had the lowest percentage of visits with 49.5%. Pregnancy monitoring was insufficient in 79.9% of all rural pregnant women.
CONCLUSIONS: There are differences derived from the geographical origins of pregnant women that condition access to health services.